Trade Show Committee

Shaunda Henning, AIA Jacksonville Executive Director

Committee Member
Ryan Restieri
Gresham Smith
Project Coordinator

Committee Member
Karie L. Kovacocy, AIA, NCARB
Group 4 Design, Inc.
President & Principal Architect

Committee Member
Lauren Prusacki, Assoc. AIA
Thomas Duke Architect, PA
Interior Designer
CLICK HERE to get exhibitor and attendee info!
Contact Info: Shaunda Henning, Executive Director,<a data-cke-saved-href="mailto:shaundahenning@aia-jax.org" href="mailto:shaundahenning@aia-jax.org" style="color: rgb(102, 102, 102); text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; font-family: " open="" sans",="" "lucida="" grande",="" sans="" unicode",="" arial,="" sans-serif;="" font-size:="" 16px;="" font-style:="" normal;="" font-variant-ligatures:="" font-variant-caps:="" letter-spacing:="" orphans:="" 2;="" text-align:="" left;="" text-indent:="" 0px;="" text-transform:="" none;="" widows:="" word-spacing:="" -webkit-text-stroke-width:="" white-space:="" background-color:="" rgb(255,="" 255,="" 255);"="">shaundahenning@aia-jax.org, (904) 210-3851 or (904) 389-8421